
My favourite landscape of all: the gulf of Genoa from San Rocco near Camogli in the Natural Park of Portfofino (GE, Italy).

I have taught lectures and seminars in a variety of courses across philosophy and politics. I have also supervised Masters dissertations in political philosophy.

Here you can find a complete list of the classes I have taught. You can also find three syllabi. One is for a course I am teaching in the spring term 2020/21 at UNAM. It is designed for graduate students, quite specialized and organized around a single (albeit comprehensive) topic. The second is the syllabus of an undergraduate “Introduction to Political Theory” (or Philosophy) class. The third, also undergraduate, is for an introductory class in Philosophy & Political Economy.

Teaching career

Model syllabus 1 – intro to political theory/philosophy (UG)

Syllabus 2 – philosophy of public policy and political economy (UG)

Syllabus 3 – on respect, dignity, rights, and human rights (PG)